Nuts and Bolts of Homeschooling a SingletonThese resources are designed to assist you in homeschooling and life. Full of encouragement in some way, they will help you navigate the world of homeschooling your precious child.
We all homeschool for various reasons. We may homeschool our only child, or we may homeschool one and send our other children to public, charter, or private school. We may have older adult children who are out of the house, so we homeschool our last (this is my situation). No matter your reasoning, you can homeschool "just" one child. Below are some articles that will help you start the process and throughout this website are resources, blog posts, courses, and plain ol' encouragement to assist you in your homeschooling journey. Make sure you don't miss a single thing by signing up for the Homeschooling One Child's email newsletter today! Please note that the ads and affiliate links on this page [and elsewhere on this site] help me pay for this site and provide encouragement to you. When you purchase using these ads or affiliate links, I receive a small commission that helps me keep this website running [and provide for my family] at no additional charge to you. I so appreciate your support! --Terrie am I qualified to homeschool my child?ANSWERS TO FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS ABOUT HOMESCHOOLINGbenefits of homeschoolingHOMESCHOOLING AND UNSCHOOLING - WHAT'S THE DIFFERENCE? |
Why We HomeschoolDisclaimer: No denim jumpers were worn in the writing of this article. We don't own a 15-passenger van. We do own chickens, and a lifestock guardian dog, but she only guards chickens and argues with our cats. You don't have to have 11+ children to homeschool. You CAN homeschool "just" one child.
We started homeschooling our daughter, Laura, in kindergarten. All was going well: she was learning her letters, sight words, numbers, and enjoying little science experiments. We even incorporated baking into our little homeschool, which is named Agape Farms Christian School. Then, tragedy struck. READ ON HERE... |